More About Maha Avatar Babaji

slim body. His hair is long, lustrous and copper colored. A radiance
emanates from him which is intense. The love that flows from him
is physically felt. When you have attained the Divine it is truly
beyond human comprehension."
References to the Sri Badrinarayan temple are made in the Vedas, indicating that, prior to Babaji's arrival there, it was a place of pilgrimage for thousands of years.
Badrinath is situated in the Himalayan mountains at an altitude of 10,243 feet. Kedarnath is even higher.Badrinath is at the confluence of the Rishi Ganga and Alaknanda rivers. In the distance is Neelakanth Peak, towering above to an altitude of nearly twenty two thousand feet. Four monasteries (maths) established by Adi Shankaracharya lie in a town ship of Joshimath twenty four kilometers south of Badrinath.
Badrinarayan in the temple of Badrinath with a striking resemblance to Babaji.
It was installed there by Adi Shankaracharya, who had a vision, that in the aqua blue waters
of the Alaknanda river nearby, he would find a stutue of Lord Vishnu. According to the
Skanda Purana, when the Adi Shankaracharya was climbing towards "Ashta Khand",
a place for meditation, an voice spoke to him: "Oh Shankar, the thing you wanted
to attain through meditation, can be attained by you, by enshrining the idol of
Lord Vishnu, which lies in the Narad Kund. Avail yourself of this
opportunity and be blessed for having done so".
Pilgrims pay their homage year after year to the Lord Badrinarayan.
It is Badrinaryan temple their evil karmas and tendencies are washed away. This particular prayer Brahma-Kapalli if undertaken at Badrinath, they attain Moksha, liberation, from the Wheel of birth and death. After the pilgrimage, the pilgrim is filled with spiritual vibrations and can live a pure life of righteousness, devotion, truth, love and purity.
Babaji made the long pilgrimage to Badrinath and then spent eighteen "long months" practicing intensively all the yogic Kriyas taught to him by his gurus Agastyar and Boganathar. After eighteen months of arduous yogic discipline, Nagaraj entered a state of soruba samadhi wherein the Divinity descended, merged with and transformed the spiritual, intellectual, mental, vital and physical bodies. The physical body ceased to age and sparkled with a golden lustre of divine incorruptibility.
To those He Appeared to.....
The wonderful presence of Mahavatar Babaji
continues to bless the northern hills of the Himalayas,
near Badarinarayan also known as Badarinath.
To this day His Ashram continues at Badrinath. When one is spiritually refined, when you
have set aside the ego, free of vasanas (desires) you may be allowed to visit it. Babaji, permission is needed to enter. A mysterious force keeps one away from the Ashram.
Babaji, has retained his physical form for centuries.

As quoted by Swami Yukteshwarji, who had the opportunity of personally meeting the great master three times in the flesh and blood and one of it was during a Kumbh Mela “ His spiritual state is beyond human comprehension” is inconceivable to picture the attainment of the Avatar.
The yogic practice of his disciples puts emphasis upon the meditation on the Nada or the divine sound. In his book “The Autobiography of a Yogi” which has inspired millions, Paramhansa Yogananda describes his meeting with the Mahavatar who inspired Yoganandji to travel to America to bring his teachings to the west.
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You smell like in love with Tamil, Look like having a body of Chinese and act like a Malay.
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Books like this not only exist in physical but also in astral.
Meaning this book is a link into astral world. As the reason for the existence of the book for such a long time, it helps many lost souls into identifying the SELF just by reading it.
As you read the book it links back the superconcious mind of us into astral world where you might get the "feeling" / feels like / visions and so on to spark you to the next level.
For some it can also help then in their spiritual path. Reading the book itself can be an initiation.
You have to judge it YOURself ...its the begining of the OLD self.
ask for help at the right place. fakir
A Nepali Devotee
Thank you for the wonderful info
I really want to go to Babaji's ashram and stay there for a few days..
when i tried looking in the net, i am getting confused with other "babaji's" and their ashram..
which is the exact ashram for Mahavatar Babaji... please i need your advise... thank you very much...
You will be blessed. Set a goal to meditate for 10000 hours in a decade or two (1000 hours p.a.) maintain celibacy until you are married.
Kriyaban J
Mahamuniji's blessing are with you. Pronams, Thakur.