
Showing posts from July, 2007

Guru Poornima

What is Guru Poornima or Guru Purnima ( Read about is @ ). This year we celebrate it at home as usual and with my GURU at his place. Here are some of the photos taken.

The Lamas Place

A Monk at Dalai Lama's place at Darmadsala The Buddha Statue at Dalai Lama's palce Karmapalapa's place (The 17th Living Buddha Garmaba [Karmapa]) The Photos above and the Punjab photos were taken with my FSLR in 2001

Using Film Speed Effectively

Taken from Forwarded mail Using Film Speed Effectively So you have this great new camera. Now you're standing in front of a display of more film that you've ever seen. All you want to do is take some great family photos but you don't know where to start. Here's short guide to help you get started. Film speed is a number that represents the film's sensitively to light. The higher the number the more sensitive to light, in that the less light is needed to take a well exposed photo. The number is also an indicator of the detail you will receive from the negative. The higher the number the more likely that you'll see a graininess to the print when enlarged. Film speed goes from 25 to 1600 speed film. 25 to 200 Best for still life and portrait work, in studio conditions where the lighting is controlled. This is not the film for family shots indoors even with a camera mounted flash. You'd really need a complete lighting set up to use this film effectively. 200 spe...

Punjab ... More

School Girls The place where the place the HOLY BOOK The Temple at Night... I wish to make a trip again


Image For my Punjabi friends and viewers who have not been to Amritstar Temple This was one of my best travel I did in India with my friends and office mates from India. It was an ad-hoc plan and we left to Chandigarh and then to darmadsala (where Dalai Lama lives) Sad that he was in Allahabad for Kumbh mela (did not see him). Then we stayed in Darmadsala. And this was the day india had the massive earthquake that hit Gujarat and surroundings in 2001. We did not feel it but i saw the water from the swimming pool was splashing out as though the whole pool was rocked. Then we thought something wrong with the pool and did nothing. Then we went to see Karmapalapa. Managed to get his blessing. Then we drove along the hills and visited monasteries and wend to Punjab. Stayed there and went the holy Amritstar temple. Was very near to the Waga Boarder and then we came back to Delhi. We heard about the earth quake but was not told how bad it was u...

Tirumayilai(Mylapore) Kapaleeswarar Temple

Legends: Parvati (Karpakambal) in the form of a peacock, Mayil is said to have worshipped Shiva (in a legend similar to that at Mayiladuturai ), hence the name Mylapore. There are several literary works associated with this hoary shrine, which remains today, a seat of Tamil culture. The Poompaavai Patikam composed by Sambandar is associated with this temple & he is said to have brought back to life, Poompavai the daughter of a devotee of Shiva - Sivanesa Chettiar. This event is enacted on the 8th day of the annual festival in the month of Pankuni (Pisces). This temple was special and I learned something from here. What mad me happy was, the temple was withing Chennai but i managed to go to this temple only at my 3rd visit to Chennai and I was happy to be at a temple where Sambandar had visited.

Malaysia cracks down on bloggers

Taken from forwarded mail The Malaysian government has warned it could use tough anti-terrorism laws against bloggers who insult Islam or the country's king. The move comes as one of Malaysia's leading online commentators has been questioned by police following a complaint by the main governing party. The new rules would allow a suspect to be detained indefinitely, without being charged or put on trial. But officials insist the law is not intended to strangle internet freedom. Online critics Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak told The Straits Times that the move was aimed at getting some moderation in postings on the internet, especially on sensitive issues: "Some people feel that they have crossed the line, in making racist remarks," he said. But the BBC's Jonathan Kent in Kuala Lumpur says the government also appears increasingly concerned about the growing online criticism of its record. Raja Petra Kamarudin, the editor of one of Malaysia's most popular poli...

Best Place With Worst Price

I am not new to airports and flying been flying for many years. But recently as I was waiting for my flight, I was hungry and went to shop for some food ... The moment I see the price, I was not hungry anymore .... Nasi Lemak that cost about RM3.00 (since it is said SPECIAL) was sold at RM8.00 and the mineral water that I can get at about RM1.50 was being sold at RM3.90. My advice to Malaysians .... eat all you can at home before coming to KLIA

Earth Has Tilted?

We are on a balanced and straight road ....but not the lorry


Taken from a forwarded mail: I was looking for an empty space to park my car at Bangsar when suddenly there's a knock on the glass *"Encik ah..tanya sikit ah..itu Chimpeng mana ah..?" * "Apa?" *"Chimpeng, Chimpeng...saya sudah tanya itu guard ah.. dia ckaap sini ada satu Chimpeng..." *"Sorrylah Apek. Saya tak tau woh...Apa tempat itu Chimpeng?" *"Aiyah...itu Chimpeng balu punya..Saya mau pigi angkat wang la..." *"Tarak tau la boss. Itu kedai ka apa?Along ka?" *"Chimpeng bukan kedai itu pun tak tau ah..? itu Chimpeng macam itu Maypeng, Public Peng, RHB Peng...itu balu punya Peng.." * SO GUYS..WHAT DO YOU THINK THE BANK IS? IT'S CIMB PENG..:)

Guangzhou-Tibet railway to kick off in holiday week

Guangzhou-Tibet railway to kick off in holiday week (Xinhua)Updated: 2006-10-01 09:44 The new Guangzhou-Lhasa train service linking the South China metropolis with the capital city of southwestern Tibet Autonomous Region will go into commercial operation on October 2, the second day of the holiday week celebrating the National Day. The 4,980-kilometer journey will take 57 hours and 21 minutes. Sources with Guangzhou Railway Group said that three trains fitted with state-of-the art equipment will be used for the new service. Besides ventilation, water supply, electricity generation and central heating fittings, trains will carry oxygen supply and anti-frigidity equipment, the sources said. The trains, departing every other day, will have 15 carriages including two soft sleeping berth carriages, seven hard sleeping berth carriages, four hard seaters and one dining carriage. Each train can transport 863 people. Sichuan, Guangdo...

DPM: M'sia not a secular state

DPM: M'sia not a secular state What the legal experts, politicians say / PM: Muslim countries cannot remain mere spectators R.Manirajan KUALA LUMPUR (July 17, 2007): Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak said today Malaysia is not a secular state, but an Islamic state driven by the fundamentals of Islam. "Islam is the official religion and Malaysia is an Islamic state, an Islamic state that respects the rights of the non-Muslims and we protect them," he said when asked to comment on concerns that Malaysia was moving from a secular government to an Islamic State and whether is Malaysia is one. "I want to correct you (reporter), that we have never never been a secular state. Secular by Western definition means separation of the Islamic principles in the way we govern the country. "But we have never abdicated from those principles. Malaysia have been always been driven by, and adhere to the fundamentals of Islam ... so your (reporter) premise is wrong,...

Durian Hunt

Last week I was invited to go to my friends orchid to search and collect durians at about 11.00 pm. As that is the time there will be lots of durian fall. If he don't collect it then most probably it might get stolen. We went there with full pants (to protect from mosquito's and insects) and some of us had a construction helmet. There were not many durians found that day but when I was there I witness (as in hearing) 2 durian fall. I also visited the pond full of water lily and lotus. There were also rambutan and mangosteen in the orchard. Note: You cannot pluck durian from the tree. It is ripe when it falls from the tree

As I was leaving Hanoi

There are many lakes in Hanoi and all are made to be a park and the nature is well kept. A girl that i meet at the terminal. She works for VN airlines and she was very pleasant and very customer approach. She loves music and she was playing the instrument (cant recall the name) when i talked to he. I wish her all the luck in her marriage next year.

Bloodshed in Parliament

Taken From From Forwarded Mail & Media http://www.malaysia news/69734 Bloodshed in Parliament Yoges Palaniappan Jul 10, 07 4:46pm There was mass slaughtering on the Parliament grounds today and several MPs saw red, both literally and figuratively, over the incident. Those responsible, the Barisan Nasional Backbenchers Club (BBC), claimed that it was done with good intentions but some of their peers begged to differ. Under tents set up at the motorcycle parking zone, six cows and 10 goats were slaughtered for a dinner function tonight. The dinner, scheduled to take place at the Parliament's banquet hall, is to celebrate Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's marriage to Jeanne Abdullah last month. In the Dewan Rakyat, opposition MPs aired their disapproval over the bloodshed and accused their BN counterparts of ignoring the sensitivity of other religions. "This is the first time such an incident has happened in Parliament. Furthermore, cows are sacred to Hindu...

Last Set of Langkawi Trip - Nearing Penang

Penang Island to mainland ferry service ... The tallest building in Penang ...the KOMTAR We saw lots of Jelly Fish as we were on the way to mainland....this is the first time for me The Penang Bridge

Nila Vae Vaa

A very nice song captured my heart during that time.....:) (Taken from YOU TUBE)

Japanese kids dancing for a Tamil Song

(Taken from YOU TUBE)

Penubuhan bank sperma perlu diteliti

Shukri Fahmi Shukor Jul 4, 07 4:58pm Baru-baru ini kita melihat perkembangan terbaru dalam dunia perubatan Malaysia mengenai bank sperma. Setakat ini dilaporkan bahawa ia banyak dijalankan oleh hospital swasta. Persatuan Mahasiswa Islam Universiti Putra Malaysia (PMIUPM) memandang serius perkara tersebut dan menyarankan agar ianya diteliti dengan serapi-rapinya. Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan telah mengharamkan perkhidmatan bank sperma. Tetapi setakat ini tiada peruntukan undang-undang yang menghalang hospital swasta daripada menawarkan sperma kepada pasangan yang tidak subur untuk mendapatkan zuriat. Satu undang-undang mengenainya perlu digubal untuk mengelak kekeliruan di kalangan masyarakat, khususnya di kalangan umat Islam. PMIUPM mengucapkan kepada Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan, Tan Sri Dr Ismail Merican yang telah mengarahkan Kementerian Kesihatan memperincikan segala aspek berhubung perkara itu, termasuk dari perspektif agama, moral, institusi keluarga dan etika. Ini kerana isu berkenaan am...

Give Your Partner a Flirting Pass

You are at a friend's party having a great time. You look over and see your date or partner laughing, chatting -- and could that be flirting? -- with someone else at the party. What do you do? (a) March over, wedging yourself in between your partner and the other person as you introduce yourself. (b) Trust your partner will not take it past innocent flirting, but keep one eye on the situation anyway. (c) Catch the eye of your partner, give them a smile, a wink, and a toast and hope they are having fun. The reason I ask? The fine art of innocent flirting has created many an after-party fight. Some people feel their partner should be giving all that attention exclusively to them instead of someone else. But what would happen if we began to see flirting as creating an abundance of good couple energy? The idea is, the more positive feelings you share with other people, the more you will get back. I want my partner to flirt. One afternoon while having coffee with a friend, I explained h...

Global Warming ..Where will it end?

Taken from Timesofindia daily BARE TRUTH: These two pictures — one taken in 1968 (top) and the other in 2007 — show the retreating Rongbuk Glacier of Mount Everest on the Tibetan plateau. The rugged Tibet plateau, seen as a sensitive barometer of the impact of global warming, is experiencing accelerating glacial melt and other ecological changes. The mountainous region’s glaciers have been melting at an annual average rate of 131.4 square km over the last 30 years

Arriving in Hanoi

First of all I regret of not taking a photo that had a view of a VN airline in the middle of a padi field. The airport is in the middle of padi field. When i was leaving the airport, from where i was ... it made it look like the aircraft is parked in the middle of the padi field. It was was full of padi field till I read the town. During a conversation on a mail with my friend in Sweden, she said now days many have moved into blogging. I agreed and the point that I thought of was, the modern life has lost the value of human relationship and human to human communication. That they have resort to talking to computers in hope that the others will read it. This is one way of the way they off load the stress and emotion and mind boiling matters which we in past talk to our close friends and family and share the load. How much does this happen now? And how much the person to person communication is in effect now days? I guess we have now moved to talk to computers. I would say it is because...