These are some of the Phases found in Interlok

These are some of the Phases found in Interlok that controversial ,as if the book narrated and insult the living condition of Indian in pre-Independence time.

The book remind us to realise how bad the living standard in motherland India , and also point to the idea that we are "pendatang" to Malaya and the Indian should be grateful to the the Malays to live in Malaysia, and don't ask for more.

The book narrated about caste system and poor living standard before they come to Malaya.

The book has hidden agenda to attack the non-malay and remind us not to ask for rights and privilege as what happening lately,awakenning of Indian start questioning injustices inflicted upon the Indian.

The wost things is our SPM Indian children has to digest this book and they may feel humiliated about the content in front of the other races, may subject to UMNO style of bully.

The extract:

1. Maniam seperti orang India yang lain, tidak pernah khuatir tentang keselamatan isterinya. (Page 218).

2. Mereka yang dari arah ke utara sedikit bercakap bahasa Malayalam atau Telugu, tetapi hampir semuanya tahu bahasa Tamil. Malayalam dan Telugu pun berasal dari satu rumpun bahasa Dravidia. Satu perkara besar yang membuatkan mereka senang berkaul adalah kerana mereka tergolong dalam satu kasta Paria. (page 211)

3. Mereka tidak perlu takut akan mengotori sesiapa kalau bersentuhan. (page 211) Mereka berasak-asak seperti kambing . (page 211)

4. Disini, pekerjaan yang membezakan kasta tidak ada. (page 216)

5. Kuli-kuli Cina itulah yang lebih banyak mendapat kesempatan. Maniam mengakui bahawa mereka lebih pantas bekerja dan sedikit bicara. (page 218)

6. Dia gembira hidup di negeri ini kerana untuk pertama kali dalam hidupnya dia berasa dirinya sebagai manusia seperti orang lain. (page 218)

7. Disini dia tidak sahaja bebas bercampur gaul dengan orang lain sama sebangsanya, malah dia tidak takut dengan pantang larang yang terdapat di negaranya apabila seorang India daripada kasta rendah menyentuh orang India daripada kasta tinggi. (page 218 & 219)

8. Dia tidak sahaja dimaki hamun dengan kata-kata yang kesat, malah disisihkan daripada masyarakat sehingga dirinya dan orang-orang yang sekasta dengannya menjadi lebih hina daripada. (page 219)

9. Di negeri ini, orang daripada keturunan kasta tinggi, kasta Brahma memakai punul yang melintang di tubuh, tetapi dia tidak takut menyentuh orang itu. (page 219)

10. Dia boleh membeli barang daripada penjaja dengan memberikan wang dari tangan ke tangan; tidak seperti seperti di negaranya, dia mesti meletakkan wang itu di suatu tempat dan penjaja itu akan menyiram wang itu dengan air sebelum diambil dan dimasukkan ke dalam petinya. (page 219)

11. Apatah pula lembu ialah binatang suci bagi orang Hindu; dan kalau binatang itu mati, seperti ibunya sendiri yang mati. (page 220)

12. Tidak makan tengah hari tidak mendatangkan masalah, asalkan dia dapat mengunyah sirihnya seperti lembu atau kambing memamah biak. (page 224)

13. Dia gertak sahaja, orang kulit hitam ini tentu takut kecut. (page 253)

14. Suppiah menerpa ke hadapan dan sujud di kaki orang putih Lantas, dia menendang Suppiah. Suppiah terjungkir. (page 256)

15. Dia berasa bangga kerana anjing orang putih itu jinak dengannya. (Page 276)

we all deserved to call as "Paraya"? Think and Stand for your right!

(For your info: The word "Paraya" has been removed from the OXFORD dictionary few dacades back due the objection came from Indian Community.)


1. The Author is reflecting the whole Indian community do not care about the safety of the wife. "seperti orang India yang lain". If we agree to this then I will mark all Indian leaders too don't care about the wife's safety and it is an insult to all the husbands!!!

2. He clains all Indians in Malaysia are said to be Praiah? As we all are from India.

3. "Mereka berasak-asak seperti kambing" further degrading the Indians?

4. Praising the then "locals" with the intention of the locals accepted the Indians in mercy. As though the local was living with all the wealth and comfort and they accepted the Indians. I see this as misleading as the British brought the Indians to Malaysia as they see the local was not enough to drive the infra and plantation development in Malaya. There was a big need there, so they have to bring in the Indians to improve the plantation industry (rubber) and the infrastructure (roads and railways). So, I can see Malaya improved in economy (one of the reason) was because of the Indians.

5. Skip

6, 7, 8. Again degrading the Indians

9, 10. Skip

11. Insulting the culture and life of Indians

12. "mengunyah sirihnya seperti lembu atau kambing memamah biak" Insulting again .....

13. "orang kulit hitam ini tentu takut kecut" Insulting

14. "berasa bangga kerana anjing orang putih itu jinak dengannya" One of the greatest insult ... making the indians feel lower then the DOG!!!

And if he said a words in dict can be used then I will use the big F word freely on the people who has the ulterior motives....

And why with all these protest the government is still sticking to the decision to use the book in EDUCATION system of Malaysia?

The MALAYSIAN GOVERNMENT plans to make the future Indians to feel "inferior" so that they will not stand up to claim their rights for Malaysia and that the UMNO can have more power and say to turn Malaysia to their own way?

This of the Impact of this book in 10 years time, how much it would have made psychological changes to the Indians mind and emotions. This I call as a psychological warfare to mold the generation of tomorrow. You will not see it now but it will be too late when you know it!!!!


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